Truth is a Trap House

by Jessica Holter

Welcome to the Enigmatic Trap House


Step inside the enigmatic trap house built by Ghetto Girl Blue, where Jessica Holter serves tall tales, tell-alls, and historical remixes over an icy-cold blend of poetry and prose. As a poet and journalist, Holter’s powerful words cut through the noise, exposing raw truths. The imagery painted between the pages of Truth is a Trap House is both vivid and haunting, channeling the collective pain and frustration of generations into a searing indictment. The juxtaposition of privilege, war, and disregard for humanity is stark. Black Codes, legacy, and the relentless love of money compromise our humanity, resonating deeply.


The throat-gripping poem “Dear Broken White Man” encapsulates the essence of the book—Was it worth it? The question hangs heavy in the air, demanding introspection. Truth is a Trap House confronts uncomfortable realities head-on, refusing to shy away from the darkness. It’s a call to reckon with history, question our roles, and seek redemption.


Prepare to be stirred, provoked, and transported to the author’s cryptic housewarming party, where wild characters grace the VIP list. Brace yourself; reality unravels with modern conspiracies, TikTok whimsy, pimping trickery, and logical acrobatics, jumping like a crackhead from room to room. In every corner, you’ll encounter the complexities of human communication—the struggle to discern truth from fiction, feeling the pressure to suspend disbelief.


Holter’s canvas extends far beyond the walls of her celebrated Punany Project. In this 300-page collection, the writer stitches together threads of Christianity, military maneuvers, political intrigue, and forgotten histories to create a decades-overdue literary convention of Black American inner standing.


Truth is a Trap House isn’t merely a book; it’s an invitation—an exploration of the unspoken and the controversial. It’s a conversation starter, a spark for debate, and a treasure trove of sensual delights.

About the Author: In 1995, she shocked the world of Spoken-Word speakeasies by creating The Punany Project, adding exotic dance and theatrics to create a controversial live performance filmed by HBO Real Sex producers in her Oakland-born effort to raise AIDS awareness in the Black Community. Now the First Lady of Urban Erotic Poetry, author of Verbal Penetration, Secret of the Pearl, Black Love American Style, and The Punany Experience is back with Truth is a Trap House, amending the constitution of everything you thought you knew about this audacious author, artist, and journalist, also known as Ghetto Girl Blue.

Order an autographed, personalized copy of Truth is a Trap House from Author Jessica Holter at Coffy Pop.